Home Page

Class 3

Welcome to Year 3!



Class Teacher: Mrs Ingham

Class Teaching Assistants: Miss Robertson & Mrs Valentine

PPA Class Teacher: Mrs Wyne


Welcome to our page, here you will find key information about our Autumn term so keep reading!


** Geography Fieldwork Walk ** Monday 18th September ** 

Please see our dojo page for the online permission form to sign, thank you.


Times Tables: All children should be able to access TT Rock Stars. Their password is glued to the back page of their reading record. Daily practice of the times tables really helps with their everyday learning. There are lots of competitions to have on TTR and this adds an element of fun while learning :) .


Responsible Readers: Each night you child has up to 8 different ways they can read/access a book. For every comment in their reading log book, they will receive 5 dojo points and receive awards for reaching reading milestones; Bronze, Silver, Gold, Ruby, Diamond and Platinum!


Spellings are set each week through EdShed, your child also has this log in glued to their reading log book. We will a complete spelling test each Friday.


PE: Our PE days are on Wednesdays and Thursdays, full PE kit to be worn to school on these days. 


Outdoor Enrichment: All children should bring a spare pair of trainers/ wellies to school on Tuesday. They could also bring a spare pair of joggers incase they get muddy.


Any questions, please send me a message on Dojo or speak to me at home time!

Mrs Ingham.

Autumn Term Newsletter
