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Class 5

Hello and Welcome to Class 5!

Teacher: Miss Tudor

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Robinson


Important things to remember:


PE - Monday and Tuesday. All children are expected to wear their full kit to school. 


Outdoor Learning -  Every Wednesday. Please ensure wellies or spare shoes that you don't mind getting dirty, spare trousers (in winter) and waterproof coats are brought into school in a carrier bag every Tuesday. 


Times Tables -  All children should know their times tables up to 12 x 12 by the end of the year. Children have been given a login username and password for 'times table rockstars!' to practice at home. Please help them by testing your child regularly and asking quick fire questions. 


Reading -  Children are encouraged to read each night for 10 minutes. Please sign their reading diary to show that they have read.


Homework -  To complete 10 minutes on TTRS, practice their spellings and read every night. The children will be able to access the app independently and they are a really useful tool to support your child's learning. I have added the links to the websites below.


Any questions, please send me a message on Dojo or speak to me at home time :)

Miss Tudor

