Class of 2024-25
Welcome to our Reception class page!
Please check this page for regular updates.
Please check your emails for parent invitations to our Class Dojo.
Here is the link to join Reception Class Dojo page
The children will be provided daily with a healthy breakfast. They can bring in £2.50 a week which will be used to buy delicious, healthy snacks for the children. It will also contribute towards resources for the children to enhance the curriculum. Please can you also send children into school with a labelled water bottle. No juice or fizzy drink please.
Reception will have two P.E. sessions a week. These will take place on Wednesday and Friday.
Please ensure that your child has a full P.E. kit in school and that it is clearly labelled! Earrings must be removed for P.E. sessions or your child will not be able to participate in P.E. due to health and safety.
We do not expect your child to start school knowing and recognising all numbers. However, you can begin to expose your child to numbers in your everyday activities. For example, when you are out shopping, look out for numbers at the supermarket and discuss door numbers and bus numbers on your walks, bake together and weigh out ingredients.
We use a character based numeracy scheme Ten Town, designed specifically for the early years. The children will find out about each character and the number that they represent. They will enjoy listening to interactive stories, songs and rhymes to help with number formation and number recognition. Alongside Ten Town we use Numberblocks, which is a step by step learning journey grouped neatly into a five colour coded levels. Each level introduces ever greater numbers and a sequence of key topics and skills that help your child build natural number sense and a solid foundation of mathematical understanding.
The children worked together to create some golden rules, to help make our classroom a safe and happy place to learn in. We talked about the meaning of friendship and what makes our friends special to us.