Home Page

Class 2

Welcome to our Class Page for the academic year 2024- 2025! Here you will find copies of our newsletters, links, photos and other important documents that will support your child and their learning. 



Every Monday your child will be given a list of 'Story Words' and a 'Phonics Home Learning' document which outlines what they will be learning during that week. Please record any reading of these words and reading in the Reading Record. This will earn your child 'Responsible Reader' points. Your child also has a 'Sharing Book' from our school library which they can read alongside an adult to develop that love of reading! 



In Year 2, children will be learning their 2x, 3x, 5x and 10x tables and may practice these through Times Table Rock Stars! We use Percy Parker songs on Youtube to support them in their learning. 

We teach Maths for Mastery at Holme Slack through NCETM. This means that we take small steps to build up your children's understanding of Maths with a whole class approach. We use various manipulatives to support their learning practically in Year 2 in order to support them when learning becomes more abstract further up the school. 



Teaching your child to read is a huge part of our day in Year 2. We deliver two Phonics sessions per day as well as Keep up interventions, group sessions and 1:1s for those who require it. We are now a Little Wandle Phonics School which means that every member of staff delivers Phonics in a consistent way with an emphasis on supporting children to keep up rather than being left behind. For more information, please visit the Parents Section of the Little Wandle website https://www.littlewandlelettersandsounds.org.uk/resources/for-parents/. 




These lessons take place every Tuesday and Wednesday and this half term we are lucky enough to have a dance coach deliver our sessions alongside Coach Mulla. Don't forget the uniform for this is white t-shirt, red school jumper, black shorts or joggers and trainers. No earrings or jewellry. 


Don't forget to contact us through the Class Dojo page if you require any further information. 


Mrs Bilbao 
